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“Let your food be medicine and your medicine be food.” ~ Hippocrates


The father of medicine knew what he was talking about. While modern or “allopathic” medicine has been around for only a little over one hundred years, natural medicine (including the use of kitchen herbs as medicinals) has been around for millennia.

Garlic is personal favorite of mine. I discovered its benefits when I was doing some research on candida and how to cure it naturally. Garlic is a powerful antifungal and antibacterial and can prevent a cold when taken regularly and/or speed up the healing process when sick.

Because of its blood cleansing properties, garlic has been known to improve in the healing of acne, high cholesterol and blood clots. The best way to eat garlic is to cut or chop it up and put it into food raw. Putting garlic in the microwave kills the active ingredients so if you plan to heat it up, do so by stovetop or oven. When cooking food, it is best to wait until the last ten minutes before adding the garlic so as not to “cook out” all of the active ingredients.

If you’re interested in the benefits of garlic but are concerned about garlic breath, you can take a garlic supplement instead.

Below, I’ve included a recipe I concocted when sick a few months back. If you’ve got a cold or bacterial infection, this recipe packs a wallop!

Antibacterial tomato juice

4 oz tomato juice

1-2 cloves garlic

A dash of oregano

A dash of cloves

A dash of cayenne pepper

A dash of turmeric

A pinch of salt

Pour the tomato juice into a 4 oz glass, chop or mince one to two cloves of garlic and add it to the juice, then add the rest of the spices. Mix it all together with a teaspoon and down the hatch. It will clear our your sinuses and may burn a little going down. Remember to always use care especially with cayenne pepper, as it is a hot spice.


If you are on an anticoagulant (blood thinner), consult with your health care provider before using garlic. Excessive garlic consumption can aggravate the digestive system so start slowly to see how your body will react. If you have any other concerns, consult your health care provider.

For more healthy, natural products I recommend check out the Product Review Page on my website.

photo © Alessandro Paiva

This article is intellectual property © Jaime A. Heidel 2010

All Rights Reserved

So you’ve done yard work for the first time in months and you just know you’re going to be sore when you wake up in the morning. Just reach for some menthol-heavy cream and ibuprofen right? Not necessarily.

There’s a more natural (and less expensive) way of easing your aching muscles. Plus, there are some great added benefits!

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate; an element our bodies need but do not absorb enough of through diet alone.

Just a fifteen-minute soak in a hot bath filled with 4 cups of Epsom salt draws toxins from the body, relieves stress and reduces inflammation. Another benefit is Epsom salt’s ability to regulate the body’s electrolytes. This improves nerve system function which alleviates anxiety and induces a deeper, more restful sleep. The sulfate in Epsom salt also stimulates digestion and improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

I’ve used Epsom salt for years to help with anxiety and ease inflammation due to my body’s autoimmune response. It’s real medicine and it works.

At less than two dollars a pound, you can’t go wrong with this tried-and-true folk remedy!


If you haven’t done an Epsom salt soak before, use 1 cup of Epsom salt to start. Soaking in magnesium sulfate can cause feelings of lightheadedness and it’s best to begin gradually to see how you’ll react. Do not soak in Epsom salts if you are pregnant or allergic to sulfur. If you have a specific medical concern, seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner before using Epsom salt.

For more healthy, natural products I recommend check out the Product Review Page on my website.

This article is intellectual property © Jaime A. Heidel 2010

All Rights Reserved